
“Therefore, the title is an extremely important component of the paper (Nair and Nair 14)”.

The excerpt shows the significance of a title is to the paper. The author is saying that the title is very important to the overall paper.



“Do not go into an extensive literature review; two to four most relevant and recent citations should be adequate to corroborate a statement. Do not repeat well-known facts nor state the obvious (Nair and Nair 18)”.

In the above quote, a common practice of not overstating obvious facts is being told to the reader. It shows that in scientific papers, reader are expected to come in with previous knowledge and common facts on a subject are expected to be know priory.









“The reporting function always appears in the results section while the comment function can go in the discussion section (IMRAD Cheat Sheet)”.

This quote shows the relationship between reports and comments within the discussion section in a paper. When discussing your results, you should report what you found then comment on what your results show.


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