Peer Review

Peer Reviewed Paper


Coming into this class, I never saw myself as a strong peer reviewer. I knew I was able to engage texts in a somewhat organized way. After doing peer review on my peers papers in this class, I found out that I was actually pretty good at peer review. I tried my best to give my peers as good of suggestions on their work as they were giving me. After revising my previous work I do see some growth over the semester. I went from being a local revision based annotator to more global revision based and really conveying confidence in my annotations. I wasn’t afraid to voice my opinion and make strong claims. I think this was due to my increased understanding of what it takes to be a strong peer reviewer. After reading my peers suggestions I could find what suggestions helped me the best and used that knowledge to help me review my peers better. The goal of peer review is to make everyone’s paper better and give strong feedback. I think that I achieved that task and I hope my peers feel the same way.